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Web Design


So you now have the perfect site, your e-commerce system is all set up and running, your staff are waiting by the phones.......

still waiting?

A familiar scenario? Not to our clients. We know that you cannot rely on customers just coming across your site. Ascendancy can offer advice and implement marketing strategies for all businesses. We can help you get the traffic from customers who are looking for products and services such as yours.

For more information please contact us.


One of the most important ways of increasing your rankings in search engine results is to increase the number of links to your site from other relevant websites. You can use a tool such as Who links to my website? to check the current links. A lot of sites that link to you will require what are called reciprocal links on your site, if they cannot be easily integrated into the main content of your site then you can use a links page as per this example.

You can also encourage users to add your website to community sites such as .

One of the things that we can help you with is search engine advertising. One of the most popular search engines is Google and we can provide expert advice and campaign management of all of your Google AdWords campaigns.
ClickTracks Web Analytics
We don't just say that we achieve reults, we can also prove them! We use ClickTracks Web Analytics to analyse and improve your site and then send you the reports to prove it. We can also set ClickTracks Web Analytics up for you to monitor the site yourself. If you are interested then get a free trial licence by contacting us at the email address above.



If you are thinking of buying your business cads online then we recommend using Vistaprint - click on the link and buy online to receive a special discount from our affiliation with vistaprint.
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The UK Web Design Company
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