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Offering you the choice of any of the payment systems/ merchant accounts to make it as easy as possible to connect your existing systems. We can advise you on which system will suit you best in both the short and long terms.

We offer a wide variety of E-commerce solutions. If there is anything that you are interested that is not shown here then please contact us.

Merchant Accounts
WorldPay Merchant Account

We have teamed up with WorldPay to offer you exceptional value merchant accounts to power your e-commerce solution. Click on the image to the left or the text link here:

Apply for a WorldPay Merchant account

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

We can also offer you a merchant account through PayPal by clicking on the image to the left or the text link here:

Apply for a PayPal Merchant Account

Store Fronts
La Garde Storefront Solutions

Storefront by La Garde
We recommend the use of StoreFront by La Garde for your E-commerce site. Easy to use and administer it is perfect for all sizes of business.

Click here to look at the store fronts on offer

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