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Australian Society of Anaesthetists
Company Profile: The Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) are a medical society that provide support and advice for anaesthetists practicing all over Australia.

Client Brief:


"Come up with a solution to our problem of maintaing a filing system for all our internal and external correspondance. Make it easy to use and simple to update.."

Our Response:

This very open brief left us to decide on which way to approach this task. We looked into the organisation's existing IT infrastructure and they had an externally hosted Internet site and an internally hosted network but no intranet. We decided to create a framework for an intranet should the ASA require any further applications and took it from there.

Using ASP and an MS Acess back-end to keep costs low (the servers already had MS Server 2000 installed on them) we created a template which would allow for the hosting of many more applications.

The application itself (SEDS) was prototyped and the user interface was tested by a sample of the staff who would use it. The application was then completed and rolled out to the complete satisfaction of the client.

Australian Society of Anaesthetists intranet homepage
The application is only available via the ASA's intranet but here is a screenshot of how the homepage looks.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists SEDS application


This screenshot shows the main screen of the application (SEDS) itself.

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